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Thursday, November 04, 2010

let the party begin!

ok so the past few days have been really shitty! seems i have NO control over my hands and my mouth - none! all i seem to be able to do is shovel crap in as fast as possible (which is still slow for me as im a slow eater!) so i can puke it all out as fast as possible... i hate that i am doing this... that i am feeling like i deserve the pains... i wish i would just stop already!
so the pains i was having in my chest have gone for today - im not sure if this is good or bad - i dont even know what was causing them i am glad to not have them now though as they were really painful...
so i had a paper due for my clas - yesterday! i thought it was due tomorrow and have not even done it - i have 126/1250 words done so far! i dont understand what I am writing on to be honest and it makes it so much harder to do! i am hoping that the instructor will respond soon and help me by explaining what on earth i am trying to write about!