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Friday, November 04, 2011

exhaustion... more than just vitamin deficiency?

645pm 04 Nov, 2011
MOOD: smug? not really sure...

hmm im not really sure what im feeling but smug seems to fit the profile for now... what do i mean by this? well i was able to successfully avoid dinner however i did have another binge and purge before hubby got home for dinner... i ate some cereal with organic soy milk and a bagel with cream cheese... i purged and i was exhausted - hence my title... now there is an explanation that i will further detail next...

in session today i was talking about how i feel like im not anywhere near as bad as i was before and how i really dont feel i am in any danger or really that this is a problem - minus the purging... well my therapist (T) was saying that i am in danger and that just like then my body is starting to shut down... she said it will be small things and she was naming things... she said how i am always cold - freezing is the proper name i should say... and how it takes me forever to warmup is because my body is sending the blood to the core of my body to keep it going versus completely shutting down... the exhaustion is a sign of my heart struggling to keep up and thats why i have been and keep being so tired... i always just blame it on my iron deficiency and other vitamins... idk - i know she wouldnt lie to me and she wouldnt put me on but i still dont know how to feel what i know...

like i said above i managed to avoid dinner again... i baked chicken which i removed the skin and then sprinkled creole on it and sprayed with joy with flour cooking spray over it and baked it a little longer to make it sort of crunchy... next i made baked potatoes and some mixed veggies... a nice strong healthy meal for the fam... the baked chicken was 2 whole chickens which were $6 and we will get about 4 meals out of it... the dinner tonight, the lunch tomorrow and another dinner which i am making a soup like gnocchi but using potatoes rather than gnocchi... i am sure there will be some left after that for me to make omlets with chicken in it... anyway - not bad for $6 it was 65c a lb... really cant beat that price...

i still have not yet faxed my school papers in - yikes need to get that done! also need to fax my sons papers as they have to be there before the surgery friday... they have no school tues or friday...

sort of had a 'talk' with hubby via text... i told him i am really trying to do better... that i havent lost further weight and that my labs came back good... he said well u can manipulate labs... i know this but i still said i didnt and that i didnt want false info in my records hence the gown weights and always the first am apt available... he said everything must be in his head then... if he wasnt always so judgemental maybe telling him and sharing everything would be easier... i even told him it is really hard to maintain this weight or any for that matter when what i see i dislike to a point of hate... but that i am trying for him and the boys... he let it go after that... so i guess i sort of covered my goal - but i still have time to talk more with him if i get the backbone to do so!

tonight i would really like to do 2 things... i wanted to drink - i didnt know we didnt have any vodka left - guess hubby finished it and i didnt know grrr.... oh well still dont know how much i am 'allowed' anyway... that was another goal for Nov... i had to ask my dr what is the amount i am 'allowed' to have... that and also ask for a referral for my foot... i think im going to have to have that surgery whether i want to or not... ugh... so i did email my CM and ask her if she would email the information to the dr for me since that usually gets a much faster response... she did so now just waiting for the response - probably get that monday morning.... the 2nd thing i really REALLY want to do is cut... i am craving that silver kiss so badly right now... i just want to feel the sting as it embraces my skin and the seeping of the warm dropplettes of blood to the surface... idk if i will or not... i guess we will see... i had to contract with my T this am that i wouldnt... but im not even sure i can keep that contract...

so today - 2x bp and it is 7pm now... i dont feel like eating anything and i really dont feel like purging either...i think this a good thing... tomorrow im not sure what the day will entail... maybe sleeping in late (ya right!) and then cleaning... i really need to do a deep clean of the home as i have fallen behind lately with my lack of energy...

today i deff had more energy as i did yesterday - i know it was and is because i took my meds... im hoping tomorrow i wont have such an issue taking my meds.. i know i need them... why is it so hard to get myself to take them? i already know the answer i am just trying to ignore it - i know its ed... see i know if i take the meds - i wont be able to bp at least not right when i get up and then later if i bp i will really have to think about it... if i think about it it makes me more guilty for doing it but i still do it anyway - sometimes... so if i dont take them - i can come down and bp and not feel guilt or worry about purging my meds... also if i eat then noone says anything to me and i can purge... sometimes i do that and take the meds after but i am trying to just take the meds first thing in the morning so i dont bp at all... this is my goal... not someone elses goal - not a goal from my T - this is something i am doing on my own... however, if i miss my meds 1x more she said she will make sure my husband is the one who has to administer my meds - no thanx!

so what is the point of this picture? well this is how i feel.. i feel like ed (the devil side) is one side and the other (angel side) is the fighting side trying to get into recovery... not taking my meds is the ed side winning and when i take them - that is the recovery side winning... i have to remember to stay on the side of recovery...

i was going to add my pic from halloween on here but i guess i didnt send it to my computer yet... once i do i will crop it so my face isnt there and then i will post... its not the best picture and i dont look so great seeing as i didnt fit the costume - it was too big yet i still look too fat in it... this contradiction is so confusing!

i know i have said i wouldnt lose anymore weight purposefully but i would love to drop another 12 or so???... my mind tells me i will be quite happy with that but then i thought once i got to where i am now i would be happy and im deff not... i deff feel too huge and disgusting - i honestly dont feel like the weight i am now is even right... like the scales are giving me a number but really it is much more... i KNOW thats not the case - how can the dr scale read the same as mine? it wouldnt work that way... i think i want to start a new blanket for my middle son... he is the only one i still need to make for... i just dont know what yarn i want to use yet... i guess i will figure that out in a bit...

oh for those who want to do some surveys online - i somehow got referred to this one called arbitron and so far just this month for agreeing to do the radio survey they have already sent me CASH payment of $17 and once we submit the little radio diaries - they will send me $10 for each one returned! thats another $50! i really like this company... i did another with them and i was paid $7 cash for answering 10 questions online... the cash arrived in the mail less than a week later... so for those who need something even if it isnt much - you might look into this!

thanksgiving is quickly coming upon us... i know i will be baking a turkey and maybe even a ham... i make a cranberry salad which my boys like and also a green bean casserole with my own personal recipe and my family loves it - never have left overs of that! i also make home made from scratch pumpkin pie... i make it with splenda and a graham cracker crust so the cals for the entire pie is 460! it is way more healthy and seeing as i know all the ingredients are healthy - my hubby and i have no issues with the boys wanting to eat for breakfast or a snack! i also think im going to make (well try to cuz i never have before!) a gravy and maybe some corn on the cob - deff some deviled eggs and potatoe salad... i want to also do some sort of fruit and veggie tray for the day so they can snack on that until the main meal is done... my boys and i do NOT like sweet potatoes or yams - so that is not something i will be making unless hubby asks... what other things are good for thanksgiving dinner? i think it will be the 5 of us and i am planning to find my way free of eating and i think i can through cooking it all... but id like to make a nice spread and have lots of left overs for the family...

guess im gonna go...