BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND Friendster Layouts »

Sunday, December 04, 2011


305pm sunday dec 4, 2011
MOOD/EMOTIONS: i am extremely triggered right now but doing so well! i am happy! i have finally been able to be consistent with fasting for (330 today is 4 days since i last ate anything) 4 days! this means i have not been purging either! cant purge if i dont eat! so now once i get comfortable idk how many days, i will begin trying to make foods safe and putting into my body... i still do NOT plan to gain however...

sotoday i got a pressur cooker! yay! im using it now to see how i like it... so far its pretty good since the chicken wasnt thawed and neither s the ground turkey - which i was supposed to make tacos with tonight... so ya - good thing this cooks foods even if not fully defrosted...

today i have been SUPER kitchen busy! ive made: waffles, sausage, eggs for the family for breakfast... for lunch they had sandwiches and i made my youngest sons.... next i bake 52 sugar cookies, 3packages of muffins, croissants, breadsticks, almost 10 lbs if chicken in my new cooker, reorganized the fridge and cleaned the kitchen. im tired now but still cooking the last of the chicken. i drank 2quarts of koolaid made with splenda... hope to put away my laundry and get a nap and figure a way out of dinner...

so here goes for day 4... i know i cant eat yet - if  i do i will purge because i am just not ready for that step yet... im doing this MY way so i can make sure im successful.... this is the only goal right now - stop purging and be purge free 31 days for the new year...