i woke this am after a horrible night... i ended up not being able to sleep again so this triggers me BIG for b/p like if i do it - maybe i can sleep? so i got up and went down and i b/p on ham and bagels with pbj i think i had cereal some where in there too.... then i purged downstairs, came up to my bathroom and purged some more then downed 28oz of dieters tea - hoping it will help the digestion... i felt so backed up and the miralax wasnt doing anything even though i took it 2x yesterday... so then after that i layed in bed and tossed and turned - i didnt b/p again but i deff didnt sleep - i was in so much discomfort! my damn stomach was just gurggling and lurching and moving but nothing was happening! i honestly felt like i was going to implode! i got up at 6 to get the boys ready and off to school - i was hurting so much it hurt to move... i was doubled over and i knew something had to happen or i may end up at the er... i decided to give chia seed - not the powder (has more cals but also more fiber, omegas and protein - i also found it makes me go to the bathroom better than the powder), and iced coffee a chance... so i used the seed ground it in the coffee grinder and made the blended coffee - with the ice and chia and coffee and splenda it was almost 40oz and eventually i drank it all - i even went to the bathroom a little! yay! finally SOME relief - wasnt much but was enough to let me relax and sleep about 2 hrs... i needed that rest! so after the coffee - and the little relief i got - i do mean little... i weighed in at 113.6 yay! goin down! i like that direction!
so i decided i needed to get up and get moving around - maybe get something done... i got dressed and decided to go get the melatonin for my son - his psych dr said he can have it instead of th psych meds and its natural as well as safer - so i chose to do that... decided on walmart - was a good choice too! i managed to buy some groceries and the melatnonin...
Supplementing with vitamin D can increase the rate of weight loss during dieting. Those with high blood levels of vitamin D achieved triple the weight loss of those with low levels of the vitamin.
(REFERENCE: http://www.fatlossnutrition.com/blog/2008/vitamin-d-increases-weight-loss/)
so when i left the store i was really proud of myself! i had originally decided on some b/p foods i was going to get starting with donuts and almond milk... well the milk would have been ok - thats a good thing and only 35 cals a serv but they were out - grrr!!! so i decided i didnt actually want the donuts! i cant believe it! i was so proud of myself - i actually got most the things for my boys except i did buy some foods for me to b/p on but fairly safe and healthy and even able to be used should i decide to try abc... also my boys will et most of them so wont be a waste... however right now i am feeling pretty good in the idea of a fast... i mean i dont feel triggered like i need or want to eat or purge... im tired and my chest hurts and ive managed to make myself drink 1 bottle and workng on a 2nd of green tea - but i dont even want anything to drink and feel nauseated with food... i put all the groceries away and even cleaned food containers out the fridge and washed the crockpot and still just felt nauseated... this is good - very good... if it lasts a few days then the fast will work - id like to make 110 by monday at the latest but lower - that would be awesome!
my new class starts today i need to eventually get in there and sign in - ive already read the stuff required while online from my phone but it is too hard to try and post anything on there - u know how small that type is! haha!
anyway - so i have been checking yahoo all day yesterday and all day today and im really worrie for my friend! i have not seen her all day and i know she wanted to 'sleep' the day away... i just hope she is safe... my thoughts will be with her tonight...
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