BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND Friendster Layouts »

Sunday, January 09, 2011

ok here we go again right?

well i took lax friday night - didnt work till sat morning! i was so pissed! then to make it worse - they barely worked - obv i didnt take enough i just thought wouldnt need as many since havent taken in a while... oh well im taking more tonight as my weight is 116 - NOT good enough! i am planning a certain number and just the thought gives me a headache but idk i may even take more... i am already prepping for it as i have taken potassium supplements... i also cut again today - that is 2x in less than a week - not good... i had stopped for a while and suddenly i am not caring - i just need the deserving punishment... so ya - thats how it goes... i was supposed to be fasting but i caved and ive b/p once today so i am hoping i can keep from doing again... either way - im still laxing as my hw is done so yay! ok i also got my new sketchers toneup fitness shoes... im posting a pic - they are silver and 2 shades of blue - its hard to see in the pic - sorry! im also posting my reebok simple tone and reebok easy tone pics... i love all my toning shoes and would recommend them all! i got my son some avia tone n motion shoes and a pr for me as well - he loves his says they make his legs burn when he wears em - so guess means they are working right? i havent tried mine yet so i will let u all know! i also have SEVERAL of the shapeups - like 9pr plus boots and a pr of tHe sandals -so yea i love em all!


 i got some special gifts for Christmas this year - i have failed to post about that! how dare i! ok so below is a pic of some bracelettes from a very special family member - they are from wwII! my hubby got me these awesome housecoat shawl things -2 of em... overcoats i think they are called... anyway you can wear them outside over your coats or i wear mine in the house - nice and warm and soft! now if only they had his scent on em they'd be perfect! so then i went shoppin and got me a new ANA ring and i made 2 new ANA bracelettes! yay! so yeah one of the bracelettes i made i posted before but the silver one i have yet to add so it is below as well...


so my stomach is KILLING me now! omg it is burning and turning and just hurts like i already took lax and ive not touched anything! grrrrr! i know it is my body fighting me so i dont take them - but if i dont tonight i will tomorrow so it doesnt matter! i am going to lose this weight THIS week! grrr hate mia she messes everything up for me! ok so well i guess thats all for now and if i feel up to it i may post more later... either way if my weight changes - ill post it!